Friday, May 08, 2009

Why I'm not in favor of governmentally-sponsored prayer...

This all started because a very, very good friend of mine posted on her facebook page that she "wonders what the harm is in having a National Day of Prayer ceremony at the White House."

The beginnings of a spirited debate were quickly quashed by my friend who didn't want her facebook page to become a mudslinging venue. Hence, I've offered my blog. So here's why I am not in favor of governmentally-sponsored prayer.

... because I don't live in a country that identifies itself with one national religion and I like it that way...

... because if I lived in a country that identified itself with a national religion, I wouldn't want it stuffed down my throat...

... because I find prayer an incredibly personal thing...

... because even though I'm Roman Catholic, I don't think there's anything wrong with people who aren't. Gasp-- even if they're not Christian!

... because even if the founders of our country were all Christians, they knew the downside of religious oppression and sought, in part, to create a haven where Church and State were separate. (There were also substantial economic motivations as well.)

... because I often find preachy "day of prayer" stuff to be boring bullshit...

... because I think labeling one day the "day of prayer" implicitly means the other 364 aren't...

... because don't we have something better for our public servants to do with their working hours?

C'mon... bring the mud.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Agree with all the reasons you listed ... especially the last point!