Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Our second anniversary...

Celebrated on the frugal side, what with Mitch being laid off last month and all... Enjoyed a pizza from Brick Oven, and a homemade cake. The cake was a dense, lemon pound cake-type thing, with apricot nectar and shredded coconut mixed in. Hot out of the oven, I poured an apricot-lemon glaze all over it which soaked in and made it even more moist. [I hate that word! but it fits!]

Then sprinkled some powdered sugar...

And he dug in, after dinner.

Also made a lemon-pear cake, with cream cheese frosting, which is waiting in the wings.

I've been training and enjoying the non-pre-tournament fun. I can go as hard as I like, I am starting almost every match from standing, and I don't have to worry about getting hurt. Unfortunately I have not been EATING as though I had a tournament coming up. Instead I have pigged out on every type of indulgence possible... nachos, tacos, pizza, baked goods of infinite variety. And batter for said baked goods, pre-baking. Belgian waffles, with sausage, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. Sushi. BBQ potato chips. Much evil was to be had in Georgetteland, and now there is much woe.

Woe like "WHOA!" when I step upon the scale of evilness. So, yesterday was the last day of said indulgence. Well, today, if you want to be technical about it. I am back on the wagon for Mundials. Working my judo tonight in class. Poked myself AGAIN in the eye, the SAME eye, while shooting a takedown. Damn them eyes. And thumbs.


my many faces said...

Hey georgette do you have sponsors? I'm looking for some. Any advice? Also, did you check out Eduardo telles on youtube? A lot of his students use turtle to sweep as well Andre Galvao, and Cobrinha being the two most notable students so check them out as well.

Good luck at Mundials sadly I can't be there as I can't afford the trip.

P.S. That cake looks awesome

Georgette said...

I do indeed have sponsors-- check out the far right side of my blog's main page! I am blessed by their belief in me and really couldn't continue competing without their support especially now that my husband was laid off. Grappling is not a must-have quite the same way that mortgages and food are (even though it's very close.)

What I did was appeal to the companies I'd bought gear from. I think it's a little easier to get sponsors if you are a unique jitsuka-- female counts, as does physically challenged-- and a good appeal will always include objective factual data to support your claim to be good for their company. Why will people pay attention to you, how many people, what kinds of audiences do you reach? With the blog as well as competition, etc.

Last, I'd consider some nontraditional sources-- how about support groups or national organizations for the disabled? And totally get the media involved, if you care to...

Good luck and keep me posted! And thanks about the cake :) Haven't made time to research the turtle, yet...